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Early stage underperformance

A light hand on the tiller, or a sign of a more fundamental problem ?

- we provide an independent assessment and recommendations for action

- we assist boards make the right decisions and guide objectives for the team

- we support stakeholder communications and management

- we monitor achievement objectively

Crisis management

Action, not just words...

- focusing on commercial and financial discipline, liquidity, and data transparency

- supporting governance and assisting the board in making key decisions

- taking commercial action to conserve resources and stabilise the business

- gaining trust of key stakeholders to give time for turnaround and restructuring planning

- leading execution of key initiatives and communication of achievement


Refinancing and financial restructuring

A platform for recovery...

- developing the turnaround plan and financial model

- identifying milestones, objectives and KPI's

- supporting presentation to the key stakeholders - getting support for the plan

- acting as the "ringmaster" balancing the interests of different stakeholders in negotiations

- parallel tracking alternative refinancing strategies


Growth and value creation

Delivering the end game.....

- coaching the team through execution - support and challenge

- driving achievement of key goals - on or off the board

- communication with key stakeholders - maintaining trust and support if progress falters

- securing the exit - planning, timing, M&A process and negotiation to close


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